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Social network for Latvian gamers. Sorta like one community to expand them all. It's possible to create public and private groups/pages that combines all for that one topic. Along with other things: achievement system, virtual coins/perks shop system, activity leader board, rich content links and much more other hard and technical stuff.
TypeScript / Deno Remix
Place to create TypeScript code snippets and execute them right then and there. This has helped me with quick prototyping of some logics and saving some snippets for later use.
Exome is a 1kb state manager for deeply nested states. Works with React, Preact, Vue, Lit and vanilla. Is extendable.
Super fast HTML lint tool (cli) that works well with Angular and Vue templates too. Supports indentation linting.
JavaScript Node.js
Boldom is a 1kb JS/HTML framework. This framework is based on Template Literals, global scope (yes! You heard me, this framework utilizes global window scope) and plain old HTML. I build this as an experiment of an idea of using THE platform to build front end. Also should mention that this is a runtime framework, no compilation or build process needed.
Database + csv is very simple file based database for node. It uses CSV file structure and locally creates manipulates files as real db would.
JavaScript Node.js
Chipolette is a tiny CSS framework / Starter kit. It's a fork from Shoelace and Bootstrap, that fully embraces CSS variables / custom properties. No compilation required to change colors / sizes etc. It's still written in LESS, because of nesting and other neat features that eases development of Chipolette. It is designed to replace Bootstrap and to be used with CSS variables.
Jul 2018 – Present ~ 6 yrs+
What do I do there
React Redux Redux-Observable Vite Electron Storybook Angular NGRX RXJS Jest CircleCI AWS Excel (reverse engineered) Lambda Jasmine Heroku Bootstrap TypeScript LESS GitHub Node.js Effector
Radi is a tiny javascript framework. It's built quite differently from any other framework. It doesn't use any kind of diffing algorithm nor virtual dom which makes it really fast. With Radi you can create any kind of single-page applications or more complex applications.
JavaScript 900+
files with it's own unique template.
Transformations were made using Babel parser.
Sep 2016 – Jul 2018 ~ 1 yr 11 mos
I was head of front-end there. My first responsibility was to redesign the whole system with a help from UX specialist Liga Letina.
Created and maintained Edurio styleguide and was using it when designing new parts of system.
vue Stylus Photoshop NativeScript Angular TypeScript GitLab Node.js Laravel Blade AWS Docker Gulp
Started previously one of the largest gaming news websites in Latvia. I worked on it mainly alone and was responsible for creation of website and team that was running it. It had admin panel where the whole page can be managed, forums, activity blogs, game database, tools for growing gaming community in Latvia... until one day where Scaleway (yes, publicly shaming them and myself) servers blew up and they weren't able to restore mine server with all of it's data, so all db and backups were lost.
Dec 2011 – Sep 2016 ~ 4 yrs 10 mos
I had to research current internet and design trends and create a brand and identity for a design we were crafting at a time.
Draw a rough sketch of design idea, then design the whole user interface
Then I was responsible for developing a responsive and functional html/css/js template for Wordpress engine.
HTML jQuery CSS Photoshop Wordpress